If you studied at the École polytechnique, your Polytechnique.org identifier is firstname.lastname.promotion. For example if Albert Bonnaventure is a polytechnicien who entered the school in 1842, his login will be albert.bonnaventure.1842. If Catherine Du Chateau defended the PhD that she prepared at the École polytechnique in 2345, her login will be catherine.du-chateau.d2345. If nobody else shared her name in Polytechnique.org's directory, she can also use catherine.du-chateau to log in.
The email addresses provided by Polytechnique.org can also be used, like albert.bonnaventure.1842@polytechnique.org and catherine.dupont.d2345@alumni.polytechnique.org.
If you did not study at the École polytechnique, you may still have an account, for example if you are participating in activities of a Groupe X or if you are a school staff. Such an account is identified by an email address. Please contact us at contact@polytechnique.org if you encounter difficulties using your account.
You need to enter your login in the password recovery page and check the mailbox associated with your Polytechnique.org email address.
Yes, of course. Please send your request and some details which will allow Polytechnique.org team to check your identity (scan of your ID card, mobile phone number which has been defined in the directory, email address which has been associated with your Polytechnique.org account, institutional email address at a reputable institution, etc.) to contact@polytechnique.org. Please be aware that answering to all the messages we receive takes much time, so we may reply several weeks later. This is why it is so important to keep your Polytechnique.org email address working.
You need to create an account on https://www.polytechnique.org in order to create a Polytechnique.org email address. The registration page is https://www.polytechnique.org/register. Please note that only alumni of the École polytechnique can register on https://www.polytechnique.org.
If the registration page does not recognize your name, search your profile in Polytechnique.org's directory, https://www.polytechnique.org/search. If your profile exists, please check the special characters (é, è, ç, etc.) and your school ID if you have one. It may also mean that your account has already been activated (in which case, please take a look at the previous questions in order to recover your password).
If your profile does not exist in Polytechnique.org's directory, you need to make the École polytechnique transmit your personal information to Polytechnique.org. If you are still studying, please go to https://portail.polytechnique.edu/dsi/eleves/portail-de-services, read its content, connect to Pegase and tick the checkboxes for Polytechnique.org and AX.
When creating an account on https://www.polytechnique.org, it takes some time to automatically enable the account everywhere (at most an hour) and in the meantime, https://auth.polytechnique.org does not know a thing about you. This is why you have to wait a little bit before being able to log in.
Make sure you click on the big button "Je me connecte" on the front page. This would redirect you to https://auth.polytechnique.org. If you encounter an error, be sure to write down the address of the website where the error occurs (https://ax.polytechnique.org or https://auth.polytechnique.org) before reporting a problem.
The AX published a document which describes how to connect to its website (with explanations and screenshots) here: https://ax.polytechnique.org/page/comment-acceder-au-site.
Both these websites automatically redirect to https://auth.polytechnique.org when accessing a page which requires authentication. They also provide login buttons to authenticate on every page.
The way which has the highest odds of getting a quick response is by creating a new issue on the project's issue tracker: https://github.com/Polytechnique-org/xorgauth/issues.
If the bug can not be public, it is possible to send en email to the support, support@polytechnique.org. Please be aware that answering to all the messages we receive takes much time, so we may reply several weeks later.
The members of Polytechnique.org live in several cities and countries. We use email and IRC a lot, so if you are interested in joining us, please send an email to ca@staff.polytechnique.org or leave a message on channel #poly.org on chat.freenode.net, for example by joining #freenode_#poly.org:matrix.org on https://titus.binets.fr/ or using the webchat.
By clinking on the Log in link.